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How to Perform a Job Analysis
Section 1: Welcome!
Welcome to How to Perform a Job Analysis! (6:57)
Navigating the Online Course
About Our Contributors (4:59)
Section 2: Why do a Job Analysis?
Why do I need this skill now when I haven't before? (9:20)
Defining Job Analysis (0:55)
Uses for Job Analysis (11:15)
Legal Defense (8:20)
Section 3: Job Analysis Methods
Who is Involved? (3:15)
Choosing a Method (9:24)
Section 4: Data Collection and Interpretation
Steps for Conducting the Analysis (7:35)
Types of Data Collected (7:01)
Common Errors (2:49)
Section 5: Job Analysis Resources
Job Analysis Resources (3:05)
Section 6: Tying Job Analysis to The Big Picture
Tying it all Together (4:19)
Section 7: Job Analysis Workbook
The Workbook (3:48)
Tying it all Together
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